Imagine a company who finds the best value for you, who helps with the tough jobs as well as the easy jobs. Imagine a company you can completely trust. Imagine a company who becomes your friend, your family, your partner. That is who we are at ICS…your trusted partner.





Our niche is Fuel, but let’s not stop there. At ICS, our staff specializes in vendor management, planning, coordinating, budgeting and executing projects from conception to completion. We give our Client’s the option to focus on the more important aspects of a project and leave the administrative items to us, streamlining the end goal of completing a project on time and within budget. From developing a scope to closing out a project, we are here to streamline your process!

Permit  Management


Locality giving you heartburn during design or construction? Let us help you by performing a detailed Preliminary permit summary to help. Starting at a State level, we will make the needed calls and gather all high-level design and permit requirements that is anticipated for your scope of work so that you and your team have a good beginning idea on a solid timeline.

Third Party


Working hard to follow all of your project’s guidelines up to construction is hard enough, once construction starts, who makes sure the contractors and sub-contractors are building your project per plans, per safety regulations or per your brand specifications? WE WILL!

ICS will send an onsite PM to your project at any phase of construction to confirm that your site is being constructed YOUR WAY. We will supply the forms or complete your specified reports for any phase of concern. Our onsite PM’s are API certified and ready to take on any task required to handle any quality concerns.



13 + 9 =

Frank R. Wood


Stephanie Wood
